Bees and Honey
Two thirds of Australia's agricultural output is dependent on honey bees!
Do they really increase the yield and quality of crops?
Are they disappearing?
What can we do to bring them into our Gardens?
Is Honey healthier than sugar?
These questions and many more will be answered at the Cittaslow Food and Wine Group's next How To Session.
Local amateur Bee Keeper Mark Rose will take you on a journey that is all things Bees and Honey.
When? – Thursday 24th September
Where? – Goolwa RSL - Bar open at 6.30 for 7pm start
Cost? - members only $10 and non Members $15 .
be quick as seats are limited and this promises to be another fun filled and informative How To Session.
Please RSVP: via email to Debbie at no later than Monday 21st September
Funds transfer details are: BSB 105-160 Account No. 022 475 440
Account Name: Cittaslow Goolwa Inc-Food & Wine
Please include your name and ‘BEES’ as the reference.
Cheques should be forwarded to Treasurer Food & Wine Group, PO Box 2539, Goolwa SA 5214